Ebenezer's History 2015-2016
Rev. Eric and Beth's Farewell Service
We hope that you will join us as we say good-bye to Pastor Eric and his wife, Beth on Sunday, June 26 at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school will move to 9:00 a.m. This will be a combined service, so that all our members and associates can be together as we celebrate 14 years of ministry and service, and say thank you to Eric and Beth for all they have accomplished while serving at our church.
Bring plenty of tissues, and remember that this is not so much the end of a beautiful friendship, as the beginning of more and greater service and ministry for Beth and Eric in their new location. Please pray for them and for our church as we adjust to our changed circumstances, and go and do whatever God wants us to go and do next.
About Rev. Lane
A graduate of NC State with a Bachelor
of Science in Education degree, and Hood Theological Seminary (Masters in Divinity), Rev. Eric Lane has been with our church since June of 2002.
He and his wife, Beth, have four children and three grandchildren. Ebenezer has seen considerable growth under his leadership and dynamic
preaching. We encourage you to come hear him expound on God's Word.
As you can see from the picture on the left, Eric especially enjoys showing God's love to the children who come to our church (and everybody else, too).
Lane's Farewell Covered-Dish Supper
We are saying good-bye to Rev. Eric Lane and his wife, Beth this month. We invite you to join us on Saturday, June 4th at 6:00 p.m. for a time of remembrance, celebration, and farewell to Beth and Eric as they prepare to move to another church in July. Please bring a covered-dish food or dessert to share, and let Beth and Eric know how much you have appreciated them and their service and ministry to our church and community. We encourage all our church members and members of the community of Caldwell County to join us. We also ask you for your prayers and encouragement for Eric and Beth and for our church during this time of transition. Thank you.
UMM Fish Fry
Ebenezer's United Methodist Men's group will be frying up fish with all the fixin's on Saturday, May 21 from 11:00 a.m. 'til gone! I have no word yet on pricing, but I am sure it will be a bargain. Please join us for a good meal, and help support the men's ministries and add more to our growing church van fund. We thank you for your support.
Mother/Daughter Banquet
We will be having an old-fashioned tea party for all the women of our church and community on Saturday, May 7th at 6:00 p.m. in honor of our mothers. The men of the church are preparing the meal, and will do the cleaning up. Whoopee! We do request that our guests bring a dessert to share (if you can). There will be entertainment and door prizes also.
Happy Mother's Day!

Layman's Revival - 2016
Our annual Layman's Revival begins on Sunday, May 1 and will run through Wednesday or Thursday, May 4 or 5. Each service begins at 7:00 p.m. We invite you to join us for some inspiring testimonials and wonderful music and worship. Below is a list of our speakers and specail music guests so far:
Sun, May 1 | Dr. Steve Merrill | Sara Triplett |
Mon, May 2 | Steve Lockhart | Gospel Way |
Tues, May 3 | Audrey McRary | 4 for Him |
Wed, May 4 | Will McRary | Will McRary & Friends |
Senior Citizens Meeting
We invite all our senior citizens to join us for some Coffee and Conversation in the CLC on Tuesday, April 12th at 11:00 a.m. Food will be provided.
UMW Breakfast & Yard Sale
The United Methodist Women are selling breakfast biscuits and having a yard sale on Saturday, April 9th from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come enjoy a good, hot biscuit and search for bargains and treasures. Proceeds will go toward paying off the CLC mortgage.
Easter Sunrise Service
We will have ONE worship service on March 27th at 7:00 a.m., then serve breakfast afterwards. Come help us praise and worship our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and enjoy a time of fellowship afterwards. (There will be no Sunday school.)
Rise Up for Jesus Easter Celebration
All children of the community are invited to our annual children's Easter party on Saturday, March 26 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. We will celebrate Jesus' life, death, and resurrection; plus, there will be plenty of candy and hot dogs for lunch. (Young children should be accompanied by a responsible adult.)
3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
The United Methodist Men signing up groups for a 3 on 3 Basket ball Tournament on Saturday, March 19, beginning at 8:00 a.m. The men will be selling biscuits at breakfast and hamburgers and hotdogs at lunchtime to spectators and participants. Proceeds will be used for the men's group's ministries.
Spaghetti Supper Benefit - Report
We raised over $1400 for Oakhill school! Thank you to everyone who helped make this benefit such a huge success.
The Rainbow Sunday School Class will have a benefit supper on Saturday, March 12th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Menu includes spaghetti, salad, bread, drinks and desserts. The class is requesting help with providing a variety of tasty desserts. Proceeds go to the Oak Hill School for classroom supplies.

Belize Biscuit Sale
Our Belize Mission Team is selling hot, delicious breakfast biscuits on Sunday morning, January 31st at 8:30 a.m. to help fund this year's trip. This is our Combined Worship Sunday, so Sunday school begins at 9:00 a.m., and worship will be at 10:30 a.m. Come eat breakfast with us, and help fund our missions, too.
Poorman's Supper
Join us Saturday, January 9th from 5-7:00 p.m. for a Poorman's Supper of pinto beans, slaw, onions & potatoes, cornbread, and dessert with ice tea or coffee. Donations are requested to go towards the annual cancer fundraising event, Relay for Life. All of this is being done in memory of our dear Missy Mullinax, who passed to Glory last year, after battling cancer for years.
3 on 3 Basketball and Food - 2016
There will be a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament on Saturday, January 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We will be selling biscuits in the morning and burgers and hot dogs for lunch. Come out and get some great food and enjoy watching the competition. Proceeds go toward missions. Please call Kim or Wayne Ellis to register your team (396-1320).
Christmas Play
Our Christmas play this year will be on Sunday, December 13th at 5:00 p.m. In this year's production, the audience members will participate with the children and youth in performing the play, 'Twas the Light Before Christmas. We encourage everyone of all ages, singles and parents and grandparents, to help us celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
If you can, please bring a finger food or dessert to share after the play. Our church will provide drinks.
UMM Christmas Tree Sales -- Sold Out
Ebenezer's United Methodist Men's group is selling live Christmas trees again this year. Order forms are available at the church. The cost per tree is $25. Pick up will be at Ebenezer on November 28th between 3 and 4:00 p.m. If you wish to choose your own tree, you may drive to Alleghany County to do so. Meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. to drive to the tree farm on the same day as above. Call Jimmy Stone at 828-994-1764, Jeff Smith at 828-896-7690, or Boyd Johnson at 828-499-6332 for more information or to place an order.
Thank you for helping to support the men's ministry in our community.

Breakfast Fundraiser
The Rainbow Class of Ebenezer will serve up a hot breakfast on Saturday, November 21 from 7:00 a.m. 'till gone! We invite you to come eat a hearty breakfast and help us pay down the mortgage on the Christian Life Center.
UMW Little Country Store - 2015
Ebenezer's United Methodist Women will open their Little Country Store on Saturday, November 7th at 8:00 a.m. and work through lunch to 2:00 p.m. The ladies are selling breakfast biscuits in the morning and hamburgers and hotdogs around 11:00 a.m. Baked and canned goods will be on sale, along with crafts and other goodies, throughout the event. Come and enjoy a good breakfast and lunch, and start your holiday shopping early.
Proceeds go toward the UMW's many ministries throughout the year. Donations of baked and canned goods or crafts, etc. to sell will be appreciated. We thank you for your support.
Fish Fry - 2015 - Report
The Men pulled in a profit of around $1,000. We thank you for your support!
The United Methodist Men and the Costa Rica Team are working together to bring you lots of great fried fish on Saturday, October 17th from 11:00 a.m. 'til it's gone! Plates are $8 and will include fries, slaw and hush puppies with tea, coffee or water. Proceeds will help fund the ministries of both groups.
P. S.: the men bought more fish this time, so maybe they won't run out of it so fast. They do want to sell it all, though. So come hungry and ready to chow down!
Homecoming & $10,000 Sunday - Report 2015
Praise to God and thank you to all our members and attendees. We raised over $19,000 on Sunday. Over $13,000 of this will go to the CLC mortgage! We thank you for your generosity and support, and may God bless you and us in the days to come.
We invite all our members, regular attendees, and former members to Ebenezer UMC on Sunday, October 11th at 10:00 a.m. for our annual Homecoming celebration. Our guest speaker will be former Ebenezer pastor, Rev. Mitch Wilson, now serving at Weaverville UMC. After the worship service, we will gather in the Christian Life Center to share a covered-dish lunch. Bring a favorite meat or vegetable dish or dessert to share, if you can. Help us to celebrate our church and our membership in the family of God. (There will be no Sunday school this Sunday.)
This is also our $10,000 Sunday. We ask that you be in prayer and be willing to make an extra sacrificial contribution to Ebenezer on this Sunday. Proceeds over our regular budget amount will go directly to our Christian Life Center mortgage.

Caldwell United Worship 2 - 2015
There will be another county-wide United Methodist worship service at Smith Memorial UMC in Lenoir on Sunday, October 4th from 3-5:00 p.m. We will also be breaking out into small groups again to share faith stories and take up an offering. Our new District Superintendent, Rev. Carl Arrington, will be speaking. We encourage you to attend and help us pull together all the United Methodist Churches in Caldwell County in service and in mission for Christ within our county.
Kids for Christ Begins - 2015
We invite you will bring your children to the first worship service on Sunday, September 6th for a special treat. After the regular worship service's Children's Time, all the children are invited to go to a special worship service prepared just for them in the CLC. They will rejoin their parents in the sanctuary after the adult sermon is finished.
This is not a substitue for Sunday school, but an actual worship service designed for the children that they will be better able to understand and participate in.
See Jessica Haas for more information or if you would like to volunteer to help with these services.
Invitational Golf Tournament - 2015
The new date for the tournament is October 31st. Please pray for a sunny day--or at least a dry one. We thank you for your patience and generous support of this fundraiser. --Editor
The Pairs and Spares Sunday School Class is holding an Invitational Golf Tournament on Saturday, October 31st at the Cedar Rock Country Club. Shotgun start begins at 1:00 p.m. Teams of four can sign-up now by calling the church office (396-2214) or Ricky Baker (312-6941 or Jeff Smith (758-5748). Entry forms are available at the church.
Team Member cost is $55 per person or $220 per team. Money needs to be turned in by September 12th. See the form above for more details. Hole sponsorships are $100 per hole, and includes a sign with your or your organization's name/logo on the sign.
All proceeds go to fund the class's yearly ministries, which include buying Christmas gifts for families in financial distress, or helping with medical bills or other needed items.
Each participant will receive a gift bag. We will raffle off door prizes, too.
We thank you for supporting our ministries.
Youth Car Wash/Yard Sale - Report - 2015
Thank you to everyone who came by for a washing or to buy things from the yard sale, and to those who donated items to the sale. The Youth were able to raise over $800. We couldn't have done it without you. May God bless you. Please continue to pray for our Youth minsitries and programs.
Back-to-School Bash - 2015
Grace Chapel UMC and other local churches will have a Back-to-School Bash on Saturday, August 22nd from 2-7:00 p.m. on the grounds of the community park and walking track next to Grace Chapel Church. There is no entry fee, and there will be free food, games, contest, and worship activities. Teachers of Caldwell county are especially encouraged to attend, because supplies will be distributed to them for use in the upcoming school year.

Flu Shot Clinic - 2015
We have scheduled a Flu Shot Clinic in cooperation with Rite Aid Pharmacy on Saturday, August 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The clinic will be held in the Christian Life Center behind the Education Building at Ebenezer UMC.
Shots available include the flu shot, plus preventative vaccines for pneumonia, shingles, whooping cough, pertussis, and tetanus. Please bring your insurance information. You may pre-register by calling the church office at 396-2214, Tuesday -Friday, 8:30-1:00 p.m. or Rite Aid Pharmacy at 754-2171.
"The Man from Aldersgate" - 2015
"Experience the life and times of John Wesley, the man who rode over 250,000 miles to bring spiritual renewal to England and America!"
We invite you to come and learn about the man who was the key figure in the beginning of the Methodist movement. B. J. Johnson will be performing as John Wesley in a play written by Brad L. Smith. The performance will be in the Ebenezer Christian Life Center on May 24th at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free.
"...this dramatic presentation was a breath of fresh air..." Guy Hughes, Pastor, Church at Northshore
"Awesome performance; and a fitting tribute to an extraordinary person." Steve Tadlock, Media/Communications Pastor
Caldwell United Worship Meeting - 2015
For a brief report on this meeting and pictures from the event go here.
We invite you to our worshipful celebration of our new Caldwell United network of United Methodist Churches. We will begin with praise and worship on Sunday, May 17 at 2:50 p.m. and proceed with special presentations and speakers, and more music. There will be a memorial presentation and offering taken for Rev. Jerry Reid, who recently passed away unexpectedly. The offering will go to Dulatown Outreach in his memory. The meeting will conclude at 5:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served during an intermission.
For the past year or more, members of the various United Methodist Churches in Caldwell County have been meeting to determine ways to coordinate our ministries and events. The goal is to reach out into the general community more with our missions work and avoid overlapping or competing ministries. We also want to encourage each church to play to its strengths, while working on improving its general ministries and mission work in the county.
Part of reaching this goal involves better communication and coordination and cooperation among our churches, so we are setting up ways for the United Methodist Churches to keep each other informed or to ask for support from one another for specific events/services/missions work.

A Royal Banquet Report - 2015
We had a full house of women and girls at the annual Mother/Daughter Banquet. Thank you to the men for a wonderful meal, and for cleaning up afterwards. We thank our entertainers also--Hannah Abernethy, Denae Osborne, plus the actors in "The Family" skit--Wayne and Kim Ellis, Trena Kirby, Carla McCrary, and Judy McRary.
The annual Mother/Daughter Banquet will be on Saturday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m. We invite all the ladies of our church and community, young and old, to celebrate our mothers at a banquet fit for the royal daughters of the King of Kings! The men of the church will be cooking, serving, and cleaning up (Hallelujah!). We ask only that the ladies bring a dessert to share, if they can.
Layman's Revival 2015 - Report
I was only able to attend two of the services, but we had a good crowd each evening and the reports from the other nights were good also. The music and speakers were great. We had a slight glitch on Wednesday when our wcheduled speaker, Mr. Collins, could not attend, but our congregation stepped in and gave some wonderful impromptu testimonies. We thank everyone who participated and helped make this revival a blessing for us all.
We are gearing up for another session of our annual Layman's Revival on May 3 - May 7 at 7:00 p.m. each evening. This is the week we let ordinary lay people speak about how God has blessed them and helped them to survive difficult times, or just tell us about how much they love the Lord for all that He has done for them (and all of us). There will be special musical performances and worship each evening, too. A list of our guest speakers is below:
Day | Date | Speaker |
Sunday | May 3 | David Crouse |
Monday | May 4 | Zach Starnes |
Tuesday | May 5 | Steve Kohnle |
Wednesday | May 6 | Jimmy Collins |
Thursday | May 7 | Beverly Kirby |
The line up of musical guests includes the following (days of appearance unknown at this point): Kerri Craven with Bruce & Kathy Piercy; Whisnant Family; 4 For Him; Sherry Nelson; and Jerry Shealey.

Relay for Life - 2015 - Report
We raised over $1400 for the American Cancer Society this year. Thank you to everyone who helped support us in this effort.
Ebenezer UMC will sponsor a booth again at the Relay for Life event on the night of Friday, May1 - Saturday May 2 at West Caldwell High School stadium. We encourage you to stop by and buy some special buttons and to help celebrate cancer survivors and their caregivers, and remember those who have passed on. Luminaries will be available for sale to honor loved ones, also. Proceeds go to the American Cancer Society for its research and services to cancer patients.
Annual Benefit Barbecue - 2015 Report
We thank everyone who helped make our annual fundraiser a resounding success. There is still some barbecue left in one pound bags, which we are selling at $9 each. Please call the church office (396-2214) or stop by during office hours to purchase some.
Our grand total before expenses was over $10,000. We should have $6,000 or more to help community members with health-related bills. May God bless you for your support!
Poor Man's Supper & Back Porch Show 2015
We are serving up hot, delicious pinto beans and cornbread, and more on Saturday, March 7th from 5-7:00 PM. We are asking for donations to help fund our booth at the annual Relay for Life fundraiser for cancer research this spring.
Starting around 5:30 p.m., we will have local talented people singing, playing music, and doing skits to entertain our guests. Join us for a great time, along with good food--even if it is a "poor man's supper."
Pantry Items Drive - 2015
In cooperation with Caldwell County's United Methodist Churches Missional Network, we are collecting the following items for the food pantries and soup kitchen in the county: canned beans &vegetables, pasta, soup, fruit, pasta sauce, rice, oatmeal, grits, and cereral. We would also like to collect the following nonfood items: toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, feminine products, and deodorant.
Please try to bring at least one item every Sunday from now to March 29th. The gathered food and other items will be divided among the pantries and soup kitchen in Caldwell County. You may drop off items at any United Methodist Church in the county.
Thank you for thinking of others and helping those in need in our area.
Stop Hunger Now - 2015
At our monthly Church Council meeting on January 11th, Rhyan Stone requested help for his South Caldwell High School group to complete their fundraising for the "Stop Hunger Now" campaign. Our Council agreed to contribute $500 to augment the $2500 already raised by the group.
We had hoped to take a picture of Rhyan accepting the check, but he caught the flu, so fellow school member, Ragan, had the honor of having her picture made accepting the check from our pastor, Rev. Eric Lane.