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Ebenezer's History 2021

Happy New Year!

We wish you all well for the coming year. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to serve our Lord in this community in the coming year. You have not been to visit us, please come soon. Our door is open for all.

NOTE: Our worship service will return to the sanctuary beginning on Sunday, January 2nd at 9:00 a.m.

Our Christmas Card to You Picture of lit Christmas tree next to table with nativity scene with words at top of photo Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Ebenezer UMC

Christmas Eve Service

Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Friday, December 24) will be held at the Barbecue shack area across from the church. Bonfires will help keep you warm. Bring your own chair. If you wish, you may bring marshmallows and hot dogs to roast over the fire; but you will need to supply your own stick for the roasting. (NOTE: The attendance was good: 38 people.)

Merry Christmas to everyone as we recall the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and continue to look forward to his return.

Hanging of the Greens Images

Way back on November 28th, we decorated the Chrismon Tree and set up the Memory Tree. Here are a two pictures of the process: Church members decorating the Chrismon Tree on Nov. 28, 2021The Chrismon Tree lit up after the congregation finished decorating it












UMM Fish Fry! December 4th, 2021

Ebenezer's United Methodist Men's group is having another delicious Fish Fry on Saturday, December 4th from 4:00 p.m. 'til gone! (or 7:00 p.m.). The cost is $10 a plate with all the fixin's, including slaw, fries or baked potato, drink, and dessert. Eat-in or take-out.

Proceeds will used to fund Ebenezer UMC's ministries.

UMW Country Store, Nov. 6 Report

We had a wonderful turnout for the UMW's annual Country Store event. The ladies raised over $2400 for their ministries this Christmas and beyond. Many people took advantage of the hot breakfast on a cold morning; and picked up baked goods and bargains, too. Thank you to everyone for your support! Happy Thanksgiving--we are very thankful for you.

Avoid supply chain problems with your Christmas shopping! Come look for gently used items, gift baskets, and crafts for yourself or others at the UMW Country Store on November 6 from 8 AM to 2 PM. Ebenezer's United Methodist Women's group will serve up breakfast biscuits and hot coffee in the morning, and switch to hamburgers and hotdogs around 11 AM. Also, there will be baked items for sale. Search for bargains and have one or two good meals, too.

All proceeds go to support the ministries of Ebenezer's UMW in the coming year. We thank you for your support.

All Saints Sunday, October 31

During our worship service at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 31st, we will celebrate communion and remember, honor, and celebrate the lives of our fellow Christians (saints) who passed away since last October.

Trunk or Treat, October 30

Our annual Trunk or Treat event for a safe Halloween will be held on Saturday, October 30th from 5-6:30 p.m. We will lots of free candy for all the little ghouls who come by, which will be distributed from the trunks and truck beds of some spooky-looking vehicles. We are serving hot dogs this year, too. Everything is FREE! Come, bring your children, and have a good and safe time on us.

Homecoming/$10,000 Update

We had a good turn-out for our annual Homecoming Sunday with at least 86 attendees--maybe more. It was difficult to count them, since we were sitting at tables and people moved around a lot.

The food was plentiful and delicious--thanks to all the cooks, bakers, (and buyers) who brought something in to share. The singing was great, too. Pastor Alan presented a thoughtful sermon about submitting our all to our Lord. We finally thanked former Pastor Tom Hunter and his wife, Patsy, for their ministry to our church and community in a time of turmoil. It was good to see them again.

We received $7,407 for the General Fund, short of the $10,000 goal, but still very helpful to our church. We are having to pay for a major roof repair, among other things; so great big thanks to everyone who reached deep into their pockets and gave extra this Sunday. May God bless you and us as we continue the Kingdoms work on earth in our little corner of the world and beyond.

Homecoming/$10,000 Sunday

Join us on Sunday, October 10th at 10:30 a.m. for our annual Homecoming Sunday. We will be celebrating with each other and with former Pastor Tom Hunter and his wife, Patsy, as we finally have their official Farewell lunch. Consider bringing a card or letter to show your appreciation for the Hunters service to our church and community.

After the worship service, we will share a pot-luck lunch, so bring a plate of your favorite food or dessert to share.

We ask you to prayerfully consider giving an extra gift on this Sunday to help us raise $10,000 for our General Fund. This will help us to continute to serve our members and the community in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for your prayers and support.

(Note: Sunday school classes will not meet on the 10th.)

September BBQ Fundraiser Postponed

The planned barbecue fundraiser has been indefinitely postponed. We will let you know when it is rescheduled.

Worship Returns to CLC, 9/05

We will be returning to the Christian Life Center for worship on Sunday, September 5. Wearing of masks is strongly recommended by the WNCC.

Wednesday night bible classes will not be returning in September as planned. Stay tuned for further developments.

August 29th, Promotion Sunday

We will officially move our children and youth Sunday school participants into their new classes on Sunday, recognizing them during the worship service at 9:00 a.m.

We offer Sunday school classes for all ages, and we encourage parents and grandparents to bring their children to Sunday school, which begins each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Classes for adults are also available.

Community Fun Day, Report

Our Community Fun Day on Saturday, August 7th was great! We had plenty of participants, and the children had lots of fun. The reptile zoo was particularly popular, even with the girls. The water slide never lacked for customers. The girls, especially, kept the face painter, Irene, busy throughout the event. The individuals who sat in the dunking booth got dunked, a lot! There were a couple of children who could throw very well. We almost ran out of hot dogs. (The chili was delicious,too.) Smokey the Bear did show up, and so did the sun, peaking out of the clouds later in the morning. Thank you to the Grace Chapel Fire Department for bringing their fire truck to the event. And thank you to everyone from Ebenezer who helped with this day of fun! Below are some pictures from this event.

twin boys stroking lizard from reptile zoo2 boys and 2 girls on the inflatable water slideDid the boys and girls ever get tired? NO!

young girl getting her face painted like a Dalmatian dogDalmatian facepaint was popular! And butterflies!

man in dunking booth watching ball before it hits the targetI think he is going down!

people waiting in line to get hot dogs at tables in gym areaYum! Yum!

members of Ebenezer having trouble setting up a large canopyHow many Methodist does it take to put up one canopy?

an older man and woman dancing to musicGetting into the swing of it, because of the great music played by our DJ, Ricky Baker!

sandwich board sign and two people handing out free freezer popsEverything was free, including the Freezer Pops. Great on a hot day!

man and woman on each side of Smokey the BearSmokey the Bear was suppose to be for the kids, you guys. Smokey the Bear, a forest ranger, and a dog that resembles a wolfIs that a wolf with Smokey and the Forest Ranger?!

man from B and E Reptiles holding an albino (yellow) python

Did anyone dream of snakes that night, besides me. Thanks to B&E Reptiles for supplying the scary stuff. Meet them on Facebook.

Community Day, Saturday, August 7th

Plans are in the works for a Community Day at Ebenezer on Saturday, August 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with music, hot dogs, and games/activities galore. We invite everyone in our local community to come join us for the fun and free food.

Activities planned include: dunking booth, inflatable water slide (bring your own towels), face painting, reptile zoo, and hopefully, a fire truck--and dare we hope?--Smoky the Bear may make a visit! Please note that young children should be accompanied by a responsible adult. Let the fun and games begin!

Baseball Game Outing

On Sunday, August 1st, we will be going as a group to the Hickory Crawdads home game against Greenville at 3:00 p.m. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the lobby area. Meet here at 2:00 p.m. to carpool to the game with us. Don't forget to bring your Sunday bulletin to receive a discounted $6 ticket to the game, and garner a $4 donation to our church, too.

Lord's Supper Ministry, July 26

We moved the Lord's Supper Ministry to Monday, July 26th, because of the Blood Drive. Drivers/deliverers need to be at the church by 5:00 p.m. to take the meals to the people on our list. People who want to help prepare the meals can come in earlier.

Please note that we are now serving the Oak HIll community, too. We have asked for and received a $1500 grant from the Western North Carolina Conference to help fund this service. We thank them, and everyone who helps with this ministry to our local shutins and other people in need of a little bit of encouragement, and tender loving care.

Red Cross Blood Drive, Report

Thank you to everyone who helped with this drive and gave blood. We ended up with 30 donors and 32 units. Whole blood collected was 26, and 6 Power Red donors, with 2 people as first time givers. The Red Cross says these units will impact the lives of up to 96 people! Great job everyone!

Ebenezer will sponsor another RED CROSS blood drive on Monday, July 19th from 2:30- 7:00 p.m. Please visit and enter: Ebenezer UMC to schedule an appointment. You can save up to 15 minutes by going to Pass and completing you pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

Senior Citizens Gathering, July 20

Our senior citizens group had a tour of the Little River Fire Department, good food, and good fellowship during this get-together.

We invite our Senior Citizens for another get-together with free meal on Tuesday, July 20 at 11:00 a.m.

Red Cross Blood Drive, Report

Thank you to everyone who helped with this drive and gave blood. We ended up with 30 donors and 32 units. Whole blood collected was 26, and 6 Power Red donors, with 2 people as first time givers. The Red Cross says these units will impact the lives of up to 96 people! Great job everyone!

Ebenezer will sponsor another RED CROSS blood drive on Monday, July 19th from 2:30- 7:00 p.m. Please visit and enter: Ebenezer UMC to schedule an appointment. You can save up to 15 minutes by going to Pass and completing you pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

Patriotic Sunday, July 4

On Sunday, July 4 we will celebrate our country AND return to the Sanctuary for worship. For this Sunday only, Sunday school classes will meet at 9:00 a.m., and we will worship at 10:15 a.m. After the service, we invite you back to the Christian Life Center for hot dogs and apple pie as we continue our Independence Day celebration. (Note: this notice did not appear on our website, because I forgot to update it that week (cds). It is place here for historical purposes.)

Clean the Sanctuary Day, June 26

We are asking our members to join us on Saturday, June 26, starting at 9:00 a.m. to help us clean, polish, and arrange the sanctuary for our upcoming return to worshiping in the church sanctuary on July 4th. You do not have to stay the whole time the donation of an hour or two of service in this task.

Doughnuts for Dads, Sunday, June 20th

On Sunday, June 20th, we will recognize and celebrate our fathers in the worship service, and afterwards all of our attendees will be offered doughnuts in honor of our fathers, and all the men and boys of the church. Have a Happy Father's Day!

Senior Citizens' Gettogether

Our Senior Citizens will meet on Tuesday, June 15th at 11:00 a.m. for fellowship, a short program, and a free meal. Bring a dessert to share if you can.

Day of Pentecost - May 23rd

We encourage you to come and celebrate the beginning of the Christian Church with us on Sunday, May 23 at 9:00 a.m. Please wear something red to remind us all of the "tongues of fire" as the Holy Spirit was poured out on the first Christians in 1st Century Jerusalem.

Special Offering - Report

We raised $190 for the CCC&TI Food Pantry. We thank you for your support of this ministry effort.

We will take up a special offering on the following Sundays for CCC&TI's food pantry: April 24th, May 2nd, and May 9th during our morning worship service. This money will be used to buy ready-to-eat meals for the food pantry at the local community college for their students. We thank you for your gifts to this ministry.

School Car Line Ministry

We are requesting volunteers to help us pass out bottled water and a snack to parents waiting in line to pick up their children at Dudley Shoals Elementary School on Monday, May 17th starting at 2:00 p.m. This will be a simple gesture of caring and good will to the parents of the students. We will not be passing out any promotional material related to Ebenezer UMC. Please contact Kim Ellis for more information and to volunteer.

UMW Country Store 2021 - Report

The United Methodist Women cleared over $2400 from this spring's Country Store event. We thank everyone who bought food, baked goods, and used items; and thanks to everyone who donated items to be sold.

Our United Methodist Women's group has scheduled their postponed Country Store fundraiser for Saturday, April 24th from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Breakfast biscuits will be sold in the morning, and hamburgers and hotdogs around lunchtime. Baked goods will also be on sale. There will be many used items and some craft items on sale, too. Come eat good food, and find a bit of treasure at our Country Store!

Procees will fund the UMW's local ministries for the next year. We thank you for your support.

Children's Time Returns

Beginning on Sunday, April 18th, we will have short "sermons" for the children every Sunday during the worship service. Members of our church are encouraged to sign-up to do the Children's Time homily. We invite all children to participant, and encourage parents in the community to bring them in. All are welcome--young and old!

Easter Service and Breakfast

Come join us on Sunday, April 4th at 7:00 a.m. for our Easter Sunrise service in the Christian Life Center as we celebrate and remember the Resurrection of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. We will serve a free hot breakfast afterwards.Take-out will be available, also. (Note: Sunday school classes will not meet on Easter Sunday.)

Holy Week Services

On Maundy Thursday, April 1, we will offer drive-through Communion from 12-1:00 p.m. and 5:30-6:30 p.m.

On Good Friday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m, we invite you to bring a chair and join us in the cemetery (weather permitting) for a service commemorating the Passion of Christ on the cross.

Sunday School Returns March 14th

We will offer Sunday school classes for all ages again, beginning on Sunday, March 14th. Teachers, if your class becomes too full to practice social distancing, we will make arrangements for you to meet in a larger area. Classes will meet directly after the 9:00 a.m. worship service at 10:15 a.m.

Lord's Supper Meal Ministry Returns

We have resumed the Lord's Supper Ministry. We provide shut-ins and people who are sick or recovering from surgery a free meal once a month. The next meal will be on Monday, March 15th at 5:00 p.m. See Ricky Baker to volunteer to help. We need delivery drivers.

Inside Worship returns on Feb. 28th

We will return to inside worship services in the Christian Life Center on Sunday February 28th at 9:00 a.m. Bring your own mask or pick one up at the sign-in table at the entrance. We will continue to broadcast the service on Facebook. If you opt to remain in our parking lot, you can listen at 98.5 FM.

Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th

Instead of having an Ash Wenesday service, Pastor Alan will provide the imposition of ashes on participants foreheads as they come by in their cars on Wednesday, February 17th 12:00-1:00 p.m. and again from 5:30-6:30 p.m. As the season of Lent begins, this reminds us to be mindful of our sinfulness, and prepare for the celebration of the great sacrifice provided by our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us from the righteous wrath of God.

In further observance of this time, we encourage each of you to willingly give up something that you enjoy through the 40 days of Lent, as a way to follow the example of our Lord and his willingness to humble himself and come down from Heaven to offer us a way to be forgiven for all our sins. Then we can celebrate the Lord's resurrection with cleansed and grateful hearts on Easter Day.

Free Community Meal, Feb. 8

We are offering another free meal to the community on Monday February 8th starting at 5:00 p.m. Drive by in your car and we will hand you and your family a plate of chicken and dumplings with fixings for free! (No drinks will be served.) This is our way of saying thank you to our church members and the community for continuing to support us in this time of crisis. Blessings to all!


Our January 31st worship service has been canceled due to the possiblity of icy road conditions on Sunday. A service is being prepared by Pastor Alan and the Praise Band that will be put up on our Facebook page for those who have access.

Blood Drive - January 11, 2021- Report

REPORT: Thank you to everyone who participated in or helped promote our winter blood drive. We had 29 donors, and collected 30 pints; so we surpassed our goal of 26. Great! A big thanks to our donors!

We will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, January 11th from 2:30 to 7:00 p.m. Snacks and drinks will be available to donors, but we recommend that you eat a good lunch or other meal before coming. Masks will be provided for all. Each donor's blood will be tested for Covid-19 antibodies.

Please go to and enter Ebenezer UMC to schedule an appointment or call the church office, and Cindy can sign you up. You can go to and complete your reading and questionaire before coming to your appoinment to save time.

We thank you for giving and being the lifeline patients need!


Contact Information: 828-396-2214;; 4948 Burns Rd, Granite Falls, NC 28630